The gossip sites are going crazy over Christian Bale. At first I thought "good, people are talking more about him than the Joker!" Then I thought again, it's really not cool.
The media is hounding him for allegedly assaulting his mother and sister. In this case they did not say physical but speculated it's verbal. Apparently in the UK, you can get arrested for the latter.
So people are in a frenzy writing about Christian's temper problem... and as predictable as there will be another American Idol or Brangelina will adopt another exotic child, the gossip stories have quickly morphed into
Christian Bale has been battling depression in connection with Heath Ledger's death...Christian Bale has trouble sleeping...Christian Bale erupted in anger one day at a Terminator shoot...Man, they will write anything about anyone. They will connect the dots, no matter what figure, or disfigure, gets created. Misinformation sells.
I'm not going into more detail about the
Batman actor's troubles. Even though I'm so amused at discovering that his mom used to be a circus clown performer! Totally irrelevant stuff I eat up from entertainment blogs. Ok, enough!
What I really want to write about is the fact that I need to watch Dark Knight again. I thought it was a fantastic film but I didn't get to absorb all of it. I was the people I unfortunately sat next to in the theater. To my left were Dino, Ryan, Mike, Joedobo, Aaron, Nicole and her girlfriend (sorry, forgot the name). Not a squeak from them as they're all good and courteous children. Just wanted to mention who I saw the movie with ha ha ha!
But to my right was this couple, who were very loving to each other. Thank goodness, they did not engage in any
romantical shenanigans.
These two had so much love and concern that they very vocally educated each other about the movie and its they were watching. I could hear them even during the loud action sequence in the beginning.
I just had to talk to the guy and make them stop what they're doing as early as possible. He just looked at me, but I think he understood what I about 50 percent...because then they proceeded to discuss the merits of this latest incarnation of Gotham's hero. Only this time they were whispering, murmuring and moving their mouths continously, producing hisses and very audible S and T's!
I considered telling them to stop a second time. Then I thought Dino might get mad at them too...who knows he could out-anger even Batman. He could lash out at this stupid couple, ruin everyone's night and that would totally suck.
I was just too polite and didn't say anything anymore. If they were whispering, then they're not completely assholic people and were doing their best version of how to be considerate. So I pacified the annoyed in me...I pushed my self more to the left, closer to Dino.
The whispering subsided and became infrequent...I know this because it's mostly what I was thinking of at the movie! My attention would easily shift to my chatty seatmates. The more I told my self to focus on watching, my ears were straining to check if the couple would offend again. And they did.
After all the chaos and destruction that the Joker inflicted upon Gotham, he stuck his upper body out of a moving car and breathed in all of that evening air. It seemed like he was glowing, showering in his perceived glory. I was totally feeling this moment. What an amazingly played character! What a brilliant film!
Then I heard this voice coming from my right side..."it's Heath know, he's dead?"
I surrender. I lose. I'll just watch the movie again.