Thursday, September 3, 2009

the injustice of it all

A friend's FB status caught my attention the other day. She was asking everyone if it's true that Alexis Tioseco has been murdered.

First, I did not know Alexis Tioseco. Second, there was a hint that a lot of people knew this guy for my friend to make a big announcement like that.

As I have gathered online, Alexis was a well regarded film critic and teacher in Manila. His girlfriend, a Slovenian film journalist, lived with him as well. Both were shot multiple times in their home last September 1st, suspected were burglars who were connected to one of the couple's housemaids.

Some of the reports here and here.

The manner in which they died was horrible. As I read more about Alexis in his own blog, his film criticism website and in the articles he had written, I realized that his passing is a great loss to the Philippines.

From all that I've read about him in the last few days, one thing resonated the most: Alexis had so much passion for film and specially for Philippine cinema. He had so much hope for it that it consumed all of his remaining years.

This letter, which he wrote for the magazine Rogue last year, is a beautiful portrait of Alexis. It explains not only to Nica his girlfriend but also to us Filipinos about his love for local cinema.

I cried as I read the letter. I cried even more when I read his wish list.

We need more people like Alexis and none of the useless and senseless people like Philippine politicians who do nothing but disgusting things to the country.

As I was saddened about a great guy's death, I remembered a recent video of the president's son, Congressman Mikey Arroyo also known as sorry excuse for a human being!
This video felt like an eternity! The question that he could not answer was "Where did you get all of the money and property, you disgusting pig???"

It's the saddest thing that we lose good people like Alexis. It is so sickening that we have to contend with a greedy beast of a politician like Mikey Arroyo.

file under wtf

I had an ultra sound earlier today, as part of our We Want to have a Baby Soon project. My blood work was viewed by the doctor as "normal" although my hormone level could be improved. Nothing appeared to be waving a red flag that's why the next step was to peek into my uterus.

Two surprises from the ultra sound:
1. I have what is called a Fibroid. Nothing to be worried about, ALTHOUGH the question of "why do I pee all the effing time???" and my tireless numero uno complaint "I go crazy for not being able to sleep all the way through the night because I have to go to the bathroom every effing hour!!!" have been answered.
This "harmless" mass of tissue has been resting comfortably near/beside/on top of my bladder. The thing pushes into almost half of my bladder, causing the latter not to fill to capacity but is always fooled into thinking it is. I saw the visual proof.
I have always complained about this to my primary physician. Since my lab tests did not show any cause for alarm and I have had no pain or difficulty urinating, I never got any satisfying answer until now.
The good news is that the fibroid's position is of no consequence to my fertility. It's also good to know that there is only one right now. I pray that it stays like that.

2. The doctor could not find my left ovary. Say what??? The ultra sound probing and poking took a bit longer than I expected. The doctor even had to press his hand on my tummy a couple of times. Nothing.
I started to get scared but then the doctor said it is quite normal for an ovary not to show in the scan. Varying factors affect its visibility, he said. Like it could shift its position; or because their ultra sound probing tool has a fixed lens, its visual reach is somehow limited; some muscle tissue or intestinal organ could be blocking the view.

The doctor did not show any sign of worry that my left ovary was missing today. He said they'll do another scan on my next appointment and then it may reappear.

When I got home, I just had to google and find out if this is a common thing among women. I guess it is. I found some discussions here and here.

While the left ovary is still unaccounted for, what has been said about my right one? We caught a glimpse of it too. Dino was sitting right next to me, holding my hand. Both of us were looking at the small video screen as the doctor checked me. Honestly though, I had a few minutes of wishful thinking inside the examination room.I've had dreams and fantasies of this scenario before, although in them we were looking at a tiny baby.

The reality is, I may or may not have enough eggs. The doctor cannot say for sure at this moment. There will be more tests in the following weeks. They will actually perform a follicle count and it seems inevitable that they will prescribe me some medication too (something to wake up my eggs and invite them out in case they are there and just too lazy to do what they're supposed to.) It all sounds like a deranged easter egg hunt.
When Dino asked him about the possibility of some problems, the doctor confidently answered that there is always a corresponding solution and treatment.

I know that I have no legitimate reason to be worried and depressed about all of this yet...still, I'm feeling weak.

The World is Flat

I love discovering "new" music through friends, on Facebook even! This group is called The Montgolfier Brothers. Allan McGee from the Guardian said they came out with their first album in 2000.

This song is from their 2nd album; it's about breaking up but you don't know that until towards the end.

Journey's End is the video on the Guardian article. It is much slower and I thought it must be the band's signature style: cinematic music plus melancholic vocals.

This music fits my emotional state these days. There's been some bothering news from Manila. They do not involve me personally, none on my family's end too. I'll write another post soon.