Tuesday, July 22, 2008

la di da

It somehow doesn't feel uncomfortable that I am home at 10am on a Tuesday. No work, no hassle...less driving, less sunburn. I'm just going to take my sweet time and let my hands recuperate.
I'm back to blogging :) although typing is not a very logical activity. Oh well, it's not like I'd do it all day.
Surprisingly, it is when I'm supposedly most relaxed-- in bed at night, that my hands are most irritated. I religiously wear my wrist support and try so hard to sleep on my back so that my arms would be in a neutral position. I sleep on my side for as long as I can remember but having carpal tunnel syndrome forced me to readjust my position. Still, I wake up to pain and sometimes I catch my self sleeping with either arm/hand tucked underneath my head or twisted in all sorts of direction.

Anyway, it's my first day of not working. I should put it to good use and get off this computer for a bit.

Today's to do list:
-look for some old family slides; find a film lab to scan and print the photos (it's the digital age, wish me luck)
-go to Costco and see if they print photo books
-drop off some clothes for dry cleaning
-shop for groceries (stay away from sugar and fat)
-catch up on my magazine reading (the piles are waaay too high)
-sort mail (neglected, tsk tsk )

Have a fun day!

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