Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's been a while.

I'm back here cos I'm suddenly sick of Twitter. I wasn't the most active Tweet-er anyway. Like Facebook, I've gotten tired of it. Until the next popular networking site comes along, I'll be dumping my nonsense here.

So what's up? I've been playing Mom yet again. Poor Boxy, I hardly have time for the fishy. If only my new baby, Lazer, is allowed in the aquarium room, they could be friends. Alas, the kitten is not to play with the fish! Everyone knows how that always end.
It wasn't such a tough decision but I now spend most of my time with the kitty cat.

This girl dominates my life right now. First thing in the morning and before I do anything else, I feed her and let her use the bathroom. It's our morning ritual.

In her first few weeks with us, she would wake me up as early as 3am and would be in a playing mood. I've indulged her many times but realized that if I'd continued, I would never get enough sleep.
Eventually, I learned to ignore her between 3 and 6 in the morning. She could play on her own as she has tons of toys in the room. Instead of waking up to her tiny meows (the only two times she meows: when she's hungry and when she wants to play with me), now I get woken up by sounds of her bell collar and cat toys being kicked around.

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