In the meantime, I'm exercising some maternal instinct on my cow fish, Boxy. I never imagined I'd be this attached to a fish!
We have a bunch of other creatures in the tank like a Goby fish, a damsel fish, a shrimp (forgot what kind), emerald crabs, porcelain crab, zombie snails, pyramid snails and a bunch of different corals.
Boxy is the one I care for the most. I feed him/her (we're not sure about its gender) everyday using a baster (like the one you use for baking/roasting). Boxy has this beak of a mouth that fits the tip opening of the baster perfectly. It's like I'm feeding it from a baby bottle!
I'm not sure if I've completely conditioned Boxy not to look for food on his own. He/she is most dependent on me, and the baster, for meals. I rarely see Boxy swimming down to filter some food in the sand...or just roam around the rocks to eat food debris that gets spread all over the tank.
We have a video camera set up in front of our home tank. This way, we could stream the video online for the public to enjoy and most importantly, so that I could keep an eye on our pets when we're not home. All I need is my iphone and a wi-fi connection then I can watch our aquarium whenever/wherever I am.
The first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning is watch Boxy's live feed on Ustream. I "spy" on them, see if they're hungry or observe what kind of shenanigans they do without any humans around. This is not extreme behaviour, is it? Or is it?
As soon as I go down to our home studio/office where we have the fish tank, Boxy positions him/herself near the tank's glass wall. I'm very much convinced that if there wasn't that glass dividing us, Boxy would be jumping at me like a pet dog!
So this is what Boxy looked like back in January. No horns yet!

This is Boxy today.