Sunday, August 30, 2009

the worst

I feel horrible about myself tonight.

I have friends visiting from LA and I met up with them for dinner. Before their plane landed, I took the liberty of choosing the restaurant and making the dinner reservation for 8pm. So when they finally arrived, all we had to do was drive to the place.

After the meal, I helped put left overs in boxes/styro containers. As I was doing this, they convinced me to take most of the food home. I agreed.

Only WAY AFTER I had driven them to Walgreens for supplies, then back to their hotel and when I was already back home here in San Jose that I realized: I DID NOT GIVE MY SHARE OF THE FOOD BILL.

I AM SO DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF RIGHT NOW!!! How could I be that distracted that I didn't pay for my share? It is not me.
I can't think of a reason why I would forget to do such an important thing. It's so weird!

As soon as I realized my mistake, I sent a text message to my friends, thanked them for dinner and told them that I will treat them to lunch tomorrow.

Gosh, how could I be so absent minded? I hate it.
On the drive home, my eyes were so heavy that I was fighting to stay up on the wheel. I realized I didn't get enough sleep last night and I suffered the embarrassing consequence at the dining table.

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