Tuesday, March 17, 2009


As the world knows, I've got the baby fever. Haven't been lucky so far but like they say "try and try again." It's fun for the most part ;) Though stressful and totally disappointing when I get the monthly dot,dot, dot.

In the meantime, I'm exercising some maternal instinct on my cow fish, Boxy. I never imagined I'd be this attached to a fish!

We have a bunch of other creatures in the tank like a Goby fish, a damsel fish, a shrimp (forgot what kind), emerald crabs, porcelain crab, zombie snails, pyramid snails and a bunch of different corals.

Boxy is the one I care for the most. I feed him/her (we're not sure about its gender) everyday using a baster (like the one you use for baking/roasting). Boxy has this beak of a mouth that fits the tip opening of the baster perfectly. It's like I'm feeding it from a baby bottle!

I'm not sure if I've completely conditioned Boxy not to look for food on his own. He/she is most dependent on me, and the baster, for meals. I rarely see Boxy swimming down to filter some food in the sand...or just roam around the rocks to eat food debris that gets spread all over the tank.

We have a video camera set up in front of our home tank. This way, we could stream the video online for the public to enjoy and most importantly, so that I could keep an eye on our pets when we're not home. All I need is my iphone and a wi-fi connection then I can watch our aquarium whenever/wherever I am.

The first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning is watch Boxy's live feed on Ustream. I "spy" on them, see if they're hungry or observe what kind of shenanigans they do without any humans around. This is not extreme behaviour, is it? Or is it?

As soon as I go down to our home studio/office where we have the fish tank, Boxy positions him/herself near the tank's glass wall. I'm very much convinced that if there wasn't that glass dividing us, Boxy would be jumping at me like a pet dog!

So this is what Boxy looked like back in January. No horns yet!

This is Boxy today.

I sooo love Boxy.